… my True Love said to me “Let’s turn off our cellphones and dim the lights!”
It was time for a game of Role Play.
DARE TO BE BOLD AND SEXY. Thinkstock Photos by Getty Images
This game requires a wee bit of forward planning because you’ll need to source a few choice items of clothing and props. Here are two examples of fantasy scenarios which are quite high on most men’s wish list:
You are a Female Cop and he has been nabbed for some random infringement. Grab him by the collar and tell him what a naughty boy he’s been. Then proceed to body frisking him in a really slow deliberate manner, remember the longer you draw it out, the higher the excitement factor. He should be trembling in his boots by the time you cuff him to a post. And then, order a strip search!
Alternatively, you’re the Sexy Doctor and he’s the patient. Tell him to undress to his shorts and lie down, while you give him the all-over examination he so clearly needs. Lean in close to his ear, then whisper that you know just how to make him feel better!
Oh, we can think of a few more: Flirty Secretary, Hunky Fireman, Naughty Chamber Maid, Horny Pool Boy, you get the idea…
Take your time, and let your imagination run wild.
While Role Play can serve as an easy means of foreplay, what’s equally important is that it provides a stage for the two of you to put the humdrum of domestic life aside for a while and delve into fantasy. Allow yourself to project a different personality. Just go with it. It is SO much more than mere physical pleasure, it’s actually therapeutic for you as a couple. Role play is a great way to rekindle that spark which first got you together, and is an essential element of staying connected as a couple.
WIN: We’re giving away 1x Couples Oh Box to really get you in the mood. Valued at R1,200, your Oh Box will be specially curated to your specific needs, so if you are BG, BB, or GG, it is guaranteed fun for you and your lover!
Simply follow Confetti Chicks on Instagram and Like us on Facebook, then send us an email and please specify: BG (Boy&Girl), BB (Boy&Boy), or GG (Girl&Girl).