Yungskin products are unique because they stimulate targeted Acupuncture face-lifting points on the face, eyes and neck.
The products are infused and energized using a high-tech quantum imprinting process to stimulate the Acupuncture points at a deep cellular level.
When applied correctly, the skin’s natural vitality and radiance are regenerated, fine lines and wrinkles are significantly reduced and the skin takes on a more youthful appearance.
Yungskin products are of natural content – all EU cosmetics-approved – and contain no harmful chemicals. All products are manufactured by an ISO – 22716 certified facility in Cape Town, conforming to the highest international standards of Good Manufacturing Practice and Quality Control.
About the inventor: Dr Philip Sherwin
The brand was created and developed by renowned Cape Town-based Homeopath, Acupuncturist, Naturopath and Reflexologist, Dr Philip Sherwin. Whilst observing acupuncture face lift procedures, Dr Sherwin worked on developing a non-invasive procedure that would yield the same results without the use of needles. Yungskin is the result of years of research and experimentation in this field.
Yungskin products are designed to help restore the skin’s vitality, delay and reduce the visible signs of ageing such as fine lines and wrinkles, and rejuvenate and regenerate skin cells for a more youthful appearance.
Yungskin believes in a holistic approach to skincare. A healthy diet, active lifestyle and a positive mindset all play a significant role in how the skin ages. To get the most from your Yungskin products, regular exercise and a healthy diet filled with fresh foods and plenty of fruit and vegetables are recommended.
Yungskin skin care products were designed to complement one another, and to achieve the best results, the five-step approach is recommended: Wash – Tone – Moisturise – Feed – Sunscreen.
“We made a conscious decision some time ago to distance ourselves from the popular notion of being an ‘anti-ageing’ skincare range – we are not anti-ageing as ageing is a natural process we should all embrace. How we manage the ageing process, however, is what we are all about. To age gracefully (to use a cliché) is what we support, and by that, we mean reflecting a well-maintained, ‘glowing’ presentation (skin, attitude etc), healthy lifestyle and positive mindset!” said Dr Sherwin.
To order your Yungskin or for more product information, email
Yungskin Day Cream, R425 (50ml jar)
Yungskin Tissue Oil, R120 (100ml)
Yungskin Food, R185 (30ml dropper bottle)
Yungskin Face Wash, R100 (100ml container)
Yungskin Toner, R110 (100ml)
Yungskin Night Cream, R440 (50ml)
Yungskin Sun Care, R195 (100ml)