On Saturday, 3rd March, we brought together a group of dynamic women at Waterline in Noordhoek, to connect, network and discuss women’s issues.

On the Agenda:
- Love, Marriage and Relationships
- Travel bucket lists
- What makes marriage/long-term commitments last
- Finding your Work/Life/Family balance
- Beauty, health and skincare
OUR VENUE: Waterline. This exquisite villa, overlooking the Noordhoek dunes and vast expanses of blue sky, was very much part of the experience. Sleek, modern, comfortable and relaxing, Waterline is ideal for daily, weekly, or monthly rentals for your luxury getaway, intimate wedding, or corporate event. It also gets our recommendation as a top honeymoon destination.
OUR GUESTS: Joining our Editor, Gill Lewis, was a very special group of invited guests: Ingrid van den Berg, Carrie Waterberg, Hayley Bam, Anthea Jacobs, Anesu Machekanyanga, Tara-Lee Cockcroft, Francesca van Rooyen and Leonora Sauls.

We kicked off the afternoon with chilled bubbly and sushi on the deck, followed by our much-anticipated chat. The rapport between the ladies around the table was immediately felt, and everybody contributed thoughtfully and openly.
We are all powerful women in our own right and that was the major theme and (for me) the ultimate outcome of the discussion.
The conversation flowed easily and naturally. We had started off discussing our roles and positions within our families and our broader professional communities, and each shared our personal views on marriage and relationships. Travel destinations was a favourite focus. Most of us have experienced many parts and cultures of the world, but we agree that Africa has some of the most amazing destinations. For sheer beauty, one needn’t even go beyond South Africa’s borders.
On the topic of love and relationships, we all agreed that marriage is an important goal for most young people, however, it is not the magic answer to ultimate relationship longevity. It is entirely possible to cherish your partner and successfully raise children without having a marriage certificate. The romantic in me will always fall in love with weddings, betrothals and engagements, but even I agree that the underlying connection and intention between two people is what’s fundamental to the survival of that union long-term; marriage contract or not.
Much later on, our conversation turned to the slightly more intimate side of romance, and girl, did we ever share! For the most part, what happened at Waterline, will have to stay at Waterline. There were frequent squeals of laughter as we played a game of “I have never”. Mostly, it was good, clean – sometimes raucous – fun.
We rounded off the most memorable day with sunset cocktails and toes in the pool.
PHOTOGRAPHY by ShutterMonkey Productions
WATERLINE – For availability and rates enquiries, please feel free to contact Sonja Bailey.
SPECIAL THANKS to our generous event sponsors: Waterline | Fitch & Leedes | Malfy Gin | JC Le Roux Vibrazio | Deetlefs Wine Estate | Grace du Roi MCC
THANK YOU to our sponsors who contributed exciting Goodie Bag contents: Yungskin | Sorbet | Dermasure Zone | Relate Bracelets | Alison’s Flowers | Lubrimaxxx | No Blush Flush
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